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What does RESTART stand for?

REFURBISH - existing buildings & infrastructure

STRENGTHEN - the economy & job market

ADAPT - the environment to meet current needs

REVITALIZE - communities & neighborhoods with new products & services

TRANSFORM - the landscape of Colorado Springs

RESTART is a program designed to help small businesses, realtors and brokers find code-compliant commercial properties prior to their commitment to purchase, lease or develop the property, therefore avoiding unexpected and costly upgrades later on.  The RESTART program helps businesses and realtors through the process of finding and developing an existing commercial property so that it meets both the needs of the potential owner/tenant and fire code requirements. It is our goal to help make businesses aware of what may be required prior to making their investment and to help them through the process from start to finish. 

Currently the RESTART program is designed to work with existing vacant buildings within the City of Colorado Springs.  For assistance on ground-up designs of new buildings within the county, please contact El Paso County Development Services.

Available Resources