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Occupant Load Calculator: Use this quick easy Excel file to help you calculate occupant loads for various buildings, occupancies, rooms, etc.

Flexible Sprinkler Retrofit Analyzer Tool: Use this Excel file to prove the use of flexible sprinklers in existing buildings without having to hydraulically calculate the existing system. 

Fire Flow Calculator: Do you have an unusually tight hydraulic system?  Use this Excel spreadsheet to verify if your hydraulically calculated system meets CSFD’s requirements of falling on or below the 90% curve.  Simply enter in the static, residual and pitot flow information, then add in the system demand points (flow with hose and pressure at source) on the second tab and voila – you have a graph to verify if your system still works!  This is the same calculator CSFD reviewers use to verify tightly calculated systems.

Building Construction Type Definitions: This document lists and describes the various building types that are defined in the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department Building Code