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Regional Parks

Regional Parks offer a large area of parkland with recreation resource values of regional and community significance. Regional Trails provide recreational enjoyment, links, and access to recreation areas of regional significance and local communities, as well as commuting opportunities. Open Space is generally described as an area with important natural, cultural, historic, or visual resource values that have been purposefully protected.

Community Parks

Community Parks are larger and are intended to serve the needs of several neighborhoods as well as community-wide needs. Community parks provide active recreational facilities such as athletic fields, swimming pools, community recreation buildings and/or other special features that cannot be readily accommodated in neighborhood parks. Other amenities can include walking paths, open sod grass areas, picnic areas with pavilions, playgrounds as well as court facilities found in neighborhood parks.

Featured Neighborhood Parks

Neighborhood parks are generally small and are intended to be within walking distance of the neighborhood in which they serve. Amenities can include walking paths, playgrounds, picnic tables, small picnic pavilions, sod grass areas, backstops and/or dirt infields, basketball courts, tennis courts, or in-line hockey facilities.

For a map and the full list of parks, please visit the neighborhood parks page.