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How Do Stormwater Projects Benefit the Community?

Intergovernmental Agreement

The City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Utilities and Pueblo County signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement April 28 committing spending for stormwater infrastructure, maintenance and education programs in the amount of $460 million over the next two decades (contingent on annual appropriations) to improve the City’s stormwater system.

Funding Sources

Issue 2

Voters approved Ballot Question 2 in the City election on April 4, 2017 which asked voters whether, without any increase in taxes, the City may retain and spend up to $6 million of revenues  each year which may exceed amounts otherwise authorized for retention in 2016 and 2017 under TABOR. these funds may only be used for stormwater projects located within the city limits.


Colorado Springs voters approved in the November 2017 Special Coordinated Election implementation of a stormwater fee that will take effect July 1, 2018. The fee will serve as a dedicated source to provide sustainable funding to meet capital construction needs, maintenance and operation of the stormwater system, and costs of administration and enforcement of its MS4 Permit.