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Media Inquiries
The Marketing and Communications Department provides media organizations with information to communicate to the traveling public and Colorado Springs community. All media inquiries should be directed to the Marketing and Communications Department.
Click here to view additional media procedures.
Aidan Ryan, Marketing and Communications Manager
Phone: (719) 433-2973
Access to Public Areas
- Members of the media should notify the Marketing and Communications Department of plans to interview, photograph or film on airport property.
- Media are welcome in public areas, including the main lobby, baggage claim, parking lots and in front of the terminal.
- Media must not impede passenger traffic or airport operations.
- Media must identify themselves to anyone they interview, photograph or film and receive permission to film areas leased by airlines and other airport tenants, including ticket counters, stores, restaurants, etc.
- Media may not film or photograph the equipment and/or personnel at the security checkpoint.
- In the event that enhanced security procedures are mandated by either the FAA or TSA, there may be certain additional restrictions on media access.
Parking and Live Shots
Media personnel may park in the media staging area at the end of the Departure Lane. Please notify the Marketing and Communications Department when vehicles will be parked and what type of vehicle it is.
Requests for filming in the aircraft operation areas are handled on a case-by-case basis based on extent manpower, operational considerations, and safety. In the event of an emergency or other situation requiring the full attention of Operations staff, a prearranged escort may be cancelled.
In the event of an emergency, the primary responsibilities of COS staff members are safe and orderly airport operations. Media requests will be handled as quickly as possible. Media briefings may be scheduled and announced for specified briefing areas.