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Just in time for Earth Day, Mountain Metro Transit (MMT) is unveiling four new zero tailpipe emission, battery electric buses that will go into service in spring of 2022.

“These new buses are not only environmentally friendly, but also quiet and attractive,” said Craig Blewitt, Transit Services Manager. “This is an exciting addition to our bus fleet and the way we deliver service.”

Two of the buses will run on Route 23 which is along the Barnes and Tutt corridor. The other two buses will be rotated on different routes to test how they perform. For example, how many miles and hours they can operate on one charge.

You will be able to recognize the buses by how quiet they are, and the mural of Nikola Tesla on the side, speaking to the history of Colorado Springs.

About the buses

The new buses were manufactured by Proterra, an electric bus manufacturer based in California, and the ZX5 model can run between 220 and 330 miles before needing to be recharged. Artwork on the buses includes Colorado Springs’ electric history with Nikola Tesla in his Colorado Springs laboratory in 1899 as well as recent images of the city.


Two of the buses were funded through Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Transit and Rail Settlement Transit Bus Replacement Program with funding from the Volkswagen Diesel Emission Settlement trust.  The other two buses were funded by a Federal Transit Administration 5339(b) Buses and Bus Facilities Program grant.  The electric buses will join a fleet of 67 clean diesel technology buses.