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How you can get involved:

First, fill out the survey to tell us about your experiences with parking and the curbside in Downtown and Old Colorado City, the issues you encounter, and how you would like to see it managed better.

Then, use the interactive map to identify any locations in these areas where you face parking or curbside challenges or see opportunities to improve.

Please submit your comments by August 28th, 2024. Stay tuned for additional updates as the project continues!

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Public Works

Key Dates

Existing Conditions Analysis - Summer 2024
  • During this stage, we are analyzing data on how the curbside is managed and used today in Downtown and Old Colorado City. This stage also involves looking at existing City plans and policies as well as best practices in curbside management used in other cities.
Community Engagement Phase 1 - Summer 2024
  • During this phase, we are asking for your help identifying issues and opportunities related to parking and curbside management in Downtown and Old Colorado City.
Strategy Development - Fall 2024
  • During this phase, we will compile what we've learned and develop recommendations to improve parking and curbside management.
Community Engagement Phase 2 - Fall 2024
  • During this phase, we will present draft strategy recommendations and ask for your feedback.
Action Plan - Winter 2024
  • We will publish a draft of the plan. You will have the opportunity to review this plan and tell us your thoughts. We'll use this feedback to prepare a final version of the plan.
Plan Adoption - Early 2025
  • We will move toward adoption of this plan by the Colorado Springs City Council.
In Progress