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City Council and Legislative Services, City Clerk

Key Dates

In Progress



The City Clerk sets the Council District boundaries every four years (per City Charter) to ensure districts remain comparable in population as the city grows. The districts were last re-aligned in 2020 and the City Clerk is now reviewing the districts ahead of the 2025 General Municipal Election. Districts must be substantially equal in population, contiguous, and comply with Voting Rights Act and other pertinent laws. The plan is not approved by the Mayor or City Council.  

City Council is in the process of appointing a volunteers District Process Advisory Committee. The committee will serve as an advisory body to educate the public, assist the City Clerk, and advise City Council on the districting process. The committee will hold at least one public meeting in each council district to solicit public input.  

The City Clerk will release a preliminary district report and map in October after the committee gathers citizen comments. After further opportunity for public input, the City Clerk will prepare the final district report on setting the district boundaries no earlier than November 4 and no later than December 2.  

This project page will be updated with additional information as the process moves forward.