Ongoing improvements along Cascade Avenue will extend existing bicycle lanes for a safe connection to many local community trails and attractions. The project involves restriping Cascade Avenue between Colorado Avenue and West Fountain Boulevard.
Cascade Avenue is a low-speed residential roadway that connects downtown and the Colorado College/North End neighborhoods.
The City of Colorado Springs is committed to providing a safe and connected multimodal network for citizens. The added buffer between vehicles and bikes provides an additional level of safety for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
The project includes the following:
- adding 6-foot-wide on-street buffered bike lanes on both sides of Cascade Avenue (from Colorado Avenue south to Fountain Boulevard),
- restriping to accommodate parallel parking spaces on both sides of Cascade Avenue,
- maintaining the existing raised center median and sidewalks on both sides of Cascade Avenue,
- adding an all-way stop at Cascade Avenue and Moreno Avenue with a marked crosswalk,
- providing bicycle guidance at conflict points and intersections.
Construction/striping will be funded through the bicycle tax and City General Funds. The work will be done by City crews and is anticipated to take place in September/October 2024.
Stay Informed
To receive project update e-newsletters, send an email to CascadeAveBikeLanes@gmail.com requesting to be added to the distribution.
Email: CascadeAveBikeLanes@gmail.com
Website: coloradosprings.gov/project/CascadeAveBikeLanes
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Providing a network of safe and connected multi-modal facilities in Downtown Colorado Springs is a priority in the City. These community vision plans encourage a range of mobility options integrated into downtown with clearly defined routes and connections to trails.