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The Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority will request approval of the Almagre Urban Renewal Plan to the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on November 23, 2021 in City Council Chambers, City Hall Building, 107 North Nevada Avenue. City Council will hold a public hearing on the Plan followed by formal action.  The meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. Information regarding this item’s placement on the agenda may be obtained by calling 385-5170 on the morning of the meeting. The Almagre Urban Renewal Area (“URA” or “Plan Area”) is in the City of Colorado Springs in El Paso County. The Plan Area is comprised of two parcels on approximately 3.28 acres of land. The boundaries of the Plan Area to which this Plan applies includes Zebulon Drive to the west, Verde Drive to the north, an unnamed alleyway to the south, and commercial development to the east.  The general scope of the project is to eliminate blight. For more information, contact Jariah Walker, Executive Director CSURA at 719-385-5714.