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El Paso County Public Health, El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs held a joint news conference today to update the community on the increasing local COVID-19 numbers and the potential impacts thereof.

At 217 cases per 100,000, El Paso County is at more than double the number of incidents it should be at this level of openness.  If we don’t turn around our COVID-19 numbers in seven days, we will likely move to a more restrictive level in the State’s dial framework, which would make it difficult to sustain our economy at its current level. No one wants to close businesses, or restrict commerce and community.

It’s time that we all step up, work together and overcome this virus through our own personal responsibility. This cannot be addressed by one agency or sector. In light of the increased disease and in the face of stricter restrictions, we must all come together again to get our numbers down, and we must act quickly.

What starts with small, simple actions at the individual level creates a broader cumulative effect at the community level. We must continue to step up the measures that we know will limit the spread of disease.

  • Wear your mask. As the weather turns colder and we move indoors where there is poorer air circulation and an increased risk of disease transmission, this tool becomes even more important.
  • Practice social distancing. By wearing a mask and keeping six feet of distance, these two factors help reduce disease spread.
  • Stay home when you are sick—this is imperative. As we head into the winter months and respiratory season, the common cold, flu, and now COVID will all be circulating at the same time.  Choosing to stay home when you are sick – even if it’s just a slight cough or a mild sore throat - stops the spread.
  • If you are experiencing symptoms, get tested. This will help guide more informed clinical decisions; if you have flu, there are antivirals that can be prescribed. If you have COVID, our team of disease experts can guide you through how to quarantine and isolate appropriately.
  • If you are on quarantine or isolation, make sure to stay home for the entire duration. This is another tool aimed at halting the spread of the virus
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently. Clean commonly touched surfaces like door handles and phones regularly.

Please make thoughtful and prudent choices to limit the frequency and size of social interactions. Small steps add up to make a big difference!

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