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About the event

Garden of the Gods looking South

This special event at Garden of the Gods Park eliminates motor vehicle access within the park from 5 a.m.-noon, offering guests a unique experience in the park.

Without cars, the park’s winding roadways beckon to cyclists and joggers, skaters and dog walkers, offering the chance for a wide variety of user groups to join together, slow down and enjoy the splendor of this wonderful city park.  

At noon, the park reopens to motor vehicles.

As always, admission to the park is free.

Download a park map

Next Motorless Morning

Sunday, October 6, 2024 5 a.m.-noon


All park rules and regulations, including speed limits, apply; there will be designated slow zones and one-way traffic.

The one exception to park rules is that skateboarding and longboarding are allowed on park roads.

Visitors may encounter bicyclists and ebikers, hikers and runners, skateboards, and visitors with dogs. Please be considerate of others and share the trails and the road so everyone can have a safe and enjoyable time.


Free Parking

  • Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center (1805 30th Street),
  • Garden of the Gods Trading Post (324 Beckers Lane, Manitou Springs)
  • Overflow Lot (corner of 30th Street and Gateway Road)

Designated parking for persons with disabilities is available at the Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center. From the visitor center, a shuttle into the main parking lot will be available upon request on Motorless Morning for those guests who need it. All park visitors will have access to accessible routes into and throughout the park, and the City will permit the use of other power-driven mobility devices (OPDMD), per its OPDMD policy.