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The City of Colorado Springs released its annual financial reports. They show in detail the City's 2023 financial health and achievements. 

The 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) provides financial transparency in an easy-to-read, engaging and informative format. This report is a simplified and condensed version of the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The PAFR, unlike the ACFR, is unaudited and provides summary information on primary government funds, with references to other activities. The ACFR offers a more in-depth and technical analysis of the financial activities of the City Government and Colorado Springs Utilities. It also serves as the City’s annual audit as required by City Charter and State Statute.

“We take our responsibility as stewards of the City’s financial resources seriously and we strive to provide customer-focused delivery of effective and efficient city services through solid financial management,” said Charae McDaniel, the City’s Chief Financial Officer. “I hope this report provides stakeholders with an opportunity to learn and participate in the City’s financial activities.” 

The report highlights key achievements from the past year:

  • The Colorado Springs Police Department responded to over 250,000 calls for service.
  • Public Works repaired over 87,000 potholes and repaved over 216 lane miles with 2C tax dollars.
  • The COS Airport welcomed over two million travelers.

Read the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)

Read the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

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