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The Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD) in partnership with Vitalant will host a blood drive on Monday, September 30 at Fire Station 19, 2490 Research Parkway, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CSFD is turning to the community to step up to donate blood to help save lives in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region. 

There is an immediate need for type O blood. Vitalant reports that the type O blood supply at their blood bank has dropped to an 18-month low. Through this partnership, Vitalant has opened 63 donor appointments for the CSFD blood drive with a goal to collect 41 units of blood. “Power Red” appointments will also be available allowing people with O-, O+, A-, and B- blood types to donate red blood cells while safely returning plasma and platelets to the donor. 

Recently CSFD medical lieutenants, with help from UCHealth, became the first in the state to carry whole blood (type O) in their rigs to give life-saving blood transfusions in the field before the patient gets to the hospital. Medical lieutenants have given blood to more than 25 patients, giving them a greater chance at survival from a variety of medical emergencies. 

Donors must have an appointment to give blood. Community members can sign up at the link below using Blood Drive Code "B222": 

Register for an appointment

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