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In 2023, the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) contracted the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) to conduct an extensive review of our training programs in use of force & defensive tactics, de-escalation, procedural justice, and response to persons in crisis. PERF’s report was completed last week.

The results of the study showed that officers wanted to be better trained with more options when de-escalation tactics were ineffective, before having to use other non-leather tools to gain compliance, such as a chemical irritant, (pepper spray) or a taser and we are going to be providing that training.

CSPD is the only law enforcement agency in the country to be selected by PERF to partner in receiving a $1.3 million dollar grant to study and evaluate the implementation of Police-Focused Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training agency-wide over the next three years. Officers will continue to focus on de-escalation, it’s always our priority before going hands-on, but when that needs to happen, our officers will be better equipped to do so in a way that is designed to gain compliance while risking fewer injuries to our community members and our officers.

The PERF report isn’t just a set of recommendations for CSPD; it’s a roadmap for the future of public safety in Colorado Springs and, potentially, law enforcement across the country and represents CSPD’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and progress.

Read more about the Police Executive Research Forum Study of CSPD Training.

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