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Alternative Rate of Tax on Machinery or Equipment

The alternative rate of tax on machinery or equipment incentive provides a sliding scale of decreasing taxation on large purchases of manufacturing equipment. Companies that invest over $5 million in a calendar year on qualified manufacturing machinery or equipment are eligible to participate in this program.

As purchase amounts increase, the amount of the 2% City sales tax that the company has to pay decreases on a sliding scale. On purchases in excess of $20 million in a calendar year, the entire 2% City sales tax is returned to the company as an incentive.


Qualified Purchase Amounts

Rate of Tax

Purchases of $0.01 to and including $4,999,999.99

2.5 percent

Purchases of $5,000,000.00 to and including $7,500,000.00

2 percent

Purchases of $7,500,000.01 to and including $10,000,000. 00

1 1/2 percent

Purchases of $10,000,000.01 to and including $15,000,000.00

1 percent

Purchases of $15,000,000.01 to and including $20,000,000.00

0.5 percent

Purchases in excess of $20,000,000.00

No tax











City Business Development Division staff:

- writes the Economic Development Agreement between the company and the City, which includes the alternative tax rate on machinery or equipment incentive component

- partners with City Revenue and Collections staff to obtain the annual incentive amount for which each company is eligible

- prepares required forms and supporting documentation to City Finance staff to ensure company receives annual incentive check