About the Plan
The Annual Action Plan (AAP) guides the use of grant funds that the Housing and Homelessness Response Department receives for the coming program year. The plan is the result of consulting with various stakeholders, including agencies responsible for carrying out eligible projects and activities, local government representatives, interested community members, and advocacy groups for disadvantaged populations such as the disabled, individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and low-income seniors. The AAP lays out specific strategies that the City and its partners will employ to meet the community's priority needs.
Learn more at https://coloradosprings.gov/community-development/page/community-development-action-plan
What is the Annual Action Plan?
Residents invited to virtual events to discuss priorities for 2024 federal grant funds

The City typically receives about $5 million per year to support affordable housing, homelessness prevention, economic development, non-profit assistance and neighborhood improvements for low-income populations. The City has received additional funds to address the pandemic-related impacts on these needs, as well. While the 2024 total grant amount has yet to be determined, the City is preparing its 2024 Annual Action Plan, which outlines how we will strategically invest these funds to support high-poverty neighborhoods and vulnerable populations. The annual funds come through three programs: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program. Additional relief funds have been made available by the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan Act.
The City’s Housing and Homelessness Response Department manages these funds and awards them to local agencies, nonprofits, and developers to accomplish our shared goals of helping low-income households. The Housing and Homelessness Response Department staff invites the public to learn about the impact of the funds as well as share their views on affordable housing and community development priorities to help ensure the Annual Action Plan is responsive to the needs of our community. The City also wants to hear how residents’ needs and priorities may have changed this year.
How to Participate
- Subscribe to our newsletter CDD Newsletter Archive & Sign Up
- Take a short survey.
- Attend an Input Session (information in lefthand column)
- Send in your ideas and experiences to inform the City’s planning for support of housing and services. CityHousingAndCommunityVitality@coloradosprings.gov or call us at 719-385-5912
- Read and comment on the draft plan during the 30 day public comment period Dec. 11, 2023-Jan 10, 2024.
- Comment during the City Council hearings Jan. 22 and Feb. 13, 2024