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Scams and Financial Crimes

The CSPD Financial Crimes Section works hard to identify and combat many common scams and other financial crimes in our community. Below are some examples of common scams and what you can do to prevent yourself from being a victim of them. 

How to Protect Yourself

  • Recognize the scam attempt and end all communication. When in doubt, end the communication and contact the known entity via their legitimate contact information.
  • Search the internet for information on the scam, it is likely that someone has posted information on the scam.
  • Don’t fall victim to the scammers sense of urgency.
  • Be suspicious of unsolicited communication and door-to-door service.
  • Never give out your personal information or send anything of value to an unverified source.
  • Make sure your computer’s anti-virus and security software is up to date.
  • Do not click on pop-ups or open links or attachments from unknown sources.

Resources & Contacts