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Ute Valley Park starting Monday, September 10th:

Please be aware of working crews and operations and warning signs. Contractors will be starting in unit 3, closest to the new Ute Valley Parking Lot near the south-east portion of the park. Following the completion of project 3, project 1 will be initiated. Additional work for unit 2 will be initiated this fall and continue through the winter. Please contact Colorado Springs Fire Department Wildfire Mitigation Section with any questions or concerns.

Project Overview:

The Colorado Springs Fire Department in conjunction with City Forestry and Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services is interested in reducing wildfire risk in Ute Valley Park and surrounding neighborhoods. The intent of the project is to reduce critical fuel loading and modify fuel structure by limbing, thinning stand density, modification/chipping of any dead and down woody debris and the removal of live, dead and diseased standing vegetation within Ute Valley Park.

The total project area is approximately 294.73 acres and divided into four management units. The vegetation consists of ponderosa pine, Gamble oak, juniper and grassy meadows. 

View Detailed Project Map

Project Goals:

Reduce the wildfire risk to the park and surrounding neighborhoods -Protect critical infrastructure by reducing wildfire risk to adjacent access roads and utilities - Prevention of slope erosion by reducing wildfire risk - Reducing wildfire risk to wildlife habitat, recreation resources, biological areas and natural and cultural resources (i.e. trails, scenic vistas, riparian, historical, archeological)

Fuels Mitigation Project Timeline (Tentative)

  • May 2018 - Contractor(s) to begin fuels mitigation project
  • Mid Fall 2018 - Completion of the fuels mitigation project          

When Visiting Ute Valley Park:

Please use caution as mitigation crews will be working throughout the management units. We appreciate your patience with the fuels mitigation work and ask that trails users please follow all posted trail closures and warning signage located throughout the park.

  • Crews are currently flagging management units with ribbon tape. Please do not remove.
  • Do no enter work areas unless authorized
  • Be aware of possible debris around crews working
  • Please keep your dog(s) on a leash at all times
  • You may encounter working machinery, please keep your distance
  •  Please respect temporary trails closures, these will be posted at trailheads and trail junctions when needed.


Ute Valley Park Wildfire Mitigation Informational Meeting 

April 17th - from 6:30-8:30 pm

Mount Saint Francis Auditorium

 7665 Assisi Heights

Colo Spgs, CO 80919

View Meeting Flier


For more information please contact the Colorado Springs Fire Department Wildfire Mitigation Team at 719-385-7281