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April 1, 2025 Municipal Election 

What’s on the April 1, 2025 Municipal Election Ballot?

The six District City Council seats are up for election this time. Each voters’ ballot will contain only the District City Council race for their area of town based on the current City Council District Boundary lines and possible ballot questions. Find your current City Council District.

Ballot Information

When will ballots be mailed for the April 1, 2025 Municipal Election?

The City Clerk anticipates mailing ballot packets for the General Municipal Election to registered, active voters who reside within the corporate boundaries of the City of Colorado Springs on Friday, March 7, 2025. This election is an all-mail ballot election only. City elections have been mail ballot only since 2005.

register to vote button

Register to Vote / Update Voter Information

The City Clerk does not maintain voter registration.

Register online at the Colorado Secretary of State

Questions? Visit El Paso County Elections or call (719) 575-8683.

Map of Colorado Springs City Council Districts.

What City Council District do I reside in?

In 2024, the six city council district boundaries were all redrawn to accommodate the population growth across the city. To find a list of the current City Council members and in which council district your residential address is located and district maps, and other data related to City Council , please visit our interactive district map.

ballot envelope in front of American flag

Military and Overseas Voting (UOCAVA)

Are you a Colorado voter currently residing outside of the United States? Get information on how to vote.

Finance binder, desk acessories

Campaign Finance Filings

The City of Colorado Springs requires candidates, candidate committees, issue committees, and political committees to file disclosure statements relating to campaign finance. Search reports and data.