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The City is implementing a bicycle wayfinding signage system in a portion of the city. This new bicycle infrastructure consists of signs posted on streets and trails directing people on bicycles to use routes that are bicycle friendly (either streets with bicycle infrastructure or streets that are lower volume, lower speed and connect through the city) to get to desired destinations.


The study area centers around Colorado Springs’ vibrant downtown and encompassing close-in destinations of interest to residents, tourists, and PikeRide users.

Public Input

The City sought input from the public about additional wayfinding routes within the study area and citywide. This short survey provided valuable input in the development of new bike routes to popular destinations using information from people who ride bikes about their transportation habits and needs.

Wayfinding and study area

This project will develop the aesthetics of the signs, a consistent language for destination identification routing, sign placement, and establish routes across the study area. This program can then be seamlessly expanded into other parts of the city.


The initial project covers the identification of destinations and routes within the study area centered on Colorado Springs’ vibrant downtown. The first step was developing the aesthetics of the signs with stakeholder involvement. Next, the project team identified a priority route in Downtown, which will be implemented in late June, early July of 2018.

Benefits of wayfinding infrastructure

Implementing a wayfinding system in a city has the following benefits:

  • Serves people who are new to bicycling, people who are new residents or somewhat unfamiliar riding in an area, and for tourists
  • Knits together the trail network and on-street facilities
  • Directs people on bicycles to safer, more comfortable streets (though they are legally allowed to ride on any city street)
  • Supports users of PikeRide, the city’s new bike share system
  • Helps people get to desirable destinations for residents and tourists
  • Reminds people that they have transportation choices


Bicyclists have been calling for wayfinding for some years because they have found it difficult to navigate the most appropriate route to get to their destination using bicycle infrastructure.

Toole Design Group was selected in winter 2018 to facilitate the design and implementation of wayfinding routes within the study area.

In tandem with implementing the priority route, a survey is underway to solicit additional route and destination recommendations from the public. Development of routes within the study area will follow. Installation of additional routes will likely follow in fall 2018 and may take a few years to complete, as resources allow.

At that point, the City has the option to expand wayfinding into parts of the city outside of the study area, using the language and aesthetics developed in this study.

Public and Stakeholder Involvement

Spring 2018: A stakeholder group met to determine the sign aesthetics and the priority route. This group included representatives from the following City departments:

  • Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Planning
  • Communications

And the following community groups, among others:

  • Downtown Partnership
  • Bike Colorado Springs
  • Trails and Open Space Coalition
  • Council of Neighbors and Organizations
  • Kids on Bikes
  • Convention and Visitors Bureau


The stakeholders prioritized a functional wayfinding sign system, with a simple, attractive highly legible sign design. Their preferred design incorporates the City’s logo as well as Olympic colors.


Design and implementation of the wayfinding signage system is funded through designated annual Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority funding earmarked specifically for bicycle infrastructure. 2018 bicycle infrastructure dollars have been allocated to bicyclists navigate both new and existing infrastructure.