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Free Youth Sports Registration

Each season, a limited number of registration fees are waived for kids in PreK through 2nd grade at parks across the city. These free spots are allocated to each park for these age groups and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis when registration opens.

There are no income or other eligibility requirements for players in the selected age groups to receive a free spot. The program is open to everyone. However, if your family does not need free registration, we invite you to select the paid option and/or donate to the Helping Hands Fund. The goal of this program is to remove the financial barrier to participation so all kids can benefit from playing youth sports. 

Registration will open on the following dates for the 2025 season:

2025 Spring Soccer (180 free spots) *all free spots are filledJanuary 15, 2025
2025 Summer T-Ball (150 free spots)February 24, 2025
2025 Fall Soccer (180 free spots)May 12, 2025


Mission Statement

In pursuit of excellence in youth sports, we are committed to creating a positive environment for our youth’s participation in and enjoyment of recreational sports.

Program Philosophy

The City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department Youth Sports Program philosophy is to instill a positive attitude, sportsmanship, basic fundamentals, confidence, and high moral standards.  Youth Sports Programs develop the physical, psychological, and social aspects for youth.  Our programs emphasize participation, fun, sportsmanship, and promotes a non-competitive, recreational approach to sports.  Participants, parents, and coaches are expected to support this value system.
The City of Colorado Springs Youth Sports programs are designed to offer participants a variety of recreational sports leagues and activities in a safe, fun and well-supervised environment. We focus on the whole child through positive coaching, teamwork, sportsmanship, skill development, self-development, self-esteem, and socialization skills. Sports provides recreational activities to enhance and build positive recreational experiences and healthy lifelong habits. Youth Sports offers opportunities to play in leagues throughout the year. Because programs are so large, we register participants one to two months in advance.
  • Spring Soccer: Pre K-9 grade
  • Spring Tackle Football: 3-8 grade (2nd graders can sign a waiver)
  • Summer T-ball, Baseball, Softball: Pre K-12 grade
  • Fall  Tackle Football: 3-8 grade (2nd graders can sign a waiver)
  • Fall Soccer: Pre K-9 grade

Children's Bill of Rights

The City of Colorado Springs Olympic City USA has adopted the Children’s Bill of Rights in Sports for all Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Youth Sports Programming. Developed by the Aspen Institute through its Project Play initiative, with a working group of human rights and sports policy experts, the Children’s Bill of Rights in Sports Identifies eight rights:


  1. To play sports.
    Organizations should make every effort to accommodate children’s interests to participate, and to help them play with peers from diverse backgrounds.
  2. To safe and healthy environments.
    Children have the right to play in settings free from all forms of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), hazing, violence, and neglect.
  3. To qualified program leaders.
    Children have the right to play under the care of coaches and other adults who pass background checks and are trained in key competencies.
  4. To developmentally appropriate play.
    Children have a right to play at a level commensurate with their physical, mental and emotional maturity, and their emerging athletic ability. They should be treated as young people first, athletes second.
  5. To share in the planning and delivery of their activities.
    Children have the right to share their viewpoints with coaches and for their insights to be incorporated into activities.
  6. To an equal opportunity for personal growth.
    Programs should invest equally in all child athletes, free of discrimination based on any personal or family characteristic.
  7. To be treated with dignity.
    Children have the right to participate in environments that promote the values of sportsmanship, of respect for opponents, officials, and the game.
  8. To enjoy themselves.
    Children have the right to participate in activities they consider fun, and which foster the development of friendships and social bonds.

Inclement Weather, Closures & Cancelations

For up-to-date information on weather and cancelations, call 385-5981 and select 2. You can also follow the Sports office through Facebook for the latest cancelation details.

Sports Internship

The purpose of the internship program is to provide the student with an opportunity to gain practical hands-on experience that is closely related to the student’s educational knowledge base. Youth and Adult Sports believes in a team philosophy and although the intern will be supervised by a designated full-time Sports staff member, the student will have the opportunity to work with multiple full-time Sports staff to understand various leadership styles and programs. In exchange, the City will receive valuable work contributions from creative, highly motivated recreation pre-professionals.

Contact Information

Sports Office
1315 East Pikes Peak Avenue
(in Memorial Park)
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Phone: (719) 385-5981
Fax: (719) 385-6013
Questions? Email us