Most Important Implementation Strategies

Implementation of PlanCOS is discussed holistically, comprehensively, and in much more detail in Chapter 8. Some of the most important overall implementation strategies are as follows:
- Use this Plan and keep a focus on it;
- Comprehensively update and refresh our Zoning and Subdivision Code consistent with this Plan;
- Comprehensively update our Intermodal Transportation Plan in alignment with this Plan;
- Incorporate key priorities in periodic updates of the City’s Strategic Plan;
- Complete our neighborhood planning process and content template and secure resources for the highest priority areas;
- Complete Smart Cities pilot projects and move on to implementation; and
- Initiate and complete an Attainable Housing Master Plan.
Keystone Indicator Tracking
Plan monitoring and evaluation involves tracking progress and setbacks in accomplishing plan objectives, and determining an appropriate response and effective course of action toward achieving progress. PlanCOS uses these indicators to help clarify existing and desired conditions by measuring key elements and trends. The following keystone indicators will be analyzed annually in order to track the successful implementation of the goals and policies within PlanCOS. Additional information about the indicators is found in Chapter 8: Adaptable Implementation. Each chapter also highlights the most relevant indicators to that vision theme.
- New Residential Net Density
- Net City Lane Miles Added Compared with Development and Redevelopment
- Number of High Priority Neighborhood Plans Completed
- Infill and Redevelopment Activity
- Remaining Vacant Acres in Overall Infill Area
- Total Building Permit Value in Infill Area
- Housing Attainability
- Single Family Home Ownership Affordability Index
- Apartment Rental Affordability Index
- Total Homeless Populations in El Paso County
- Existing Downtown Measures
- New Residential Units Added Annually
- Value of Building Permit Activity Compared with Prior Years and with the Overall City
- Economic Indicators
- City Proportion of New Residential Units Added Annually
- New Jobs Added that are At or Above the Median Salary for the Region Unemployment Rate
- Median Wages Compared with State
- Renowned Culture Indicators
- Creative Vitality Index
- Number of Creative Jobs
- Creative Industry Earnings
- Majestic Landscapes Indicators
- Percent of City Population, Area, And Employment Within ½ Mile of a Park, Trail, or Accessible Open Space Area
- Per Capita Total Funding for Parks Operations and Maintenance
- Miles of Urban Trails
- Miles of Park Trails
- Citywide Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Infrastructure
- Walkscore®, Bikescore®, and Transitscore®
- Bike Lanes, Bike Boulevards, and Bike Routes