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The Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) Crime Prevention Unit is proud to announce its upcoming 9 PM Routine campaign!

From Monday July 26, 2021, to Sunday August 1, 2021, you will see graphics on the CSPD’s social media accounts reminding community members to take part in the 9 PM Routine.

The 9 PM Routine consists of daily social media posts that serve as a public-service reminder to help prevent crimes of opportunity. Every night at 9 PM, the CSPD will send out a 9 PM Routine social media post that reminds community members to lock their doors, bring valuables inside, turn exterior lights on, and more. The intent of these posts is to provide simple and effective tips to keep people and their property safe, as well as reduce the likelihood of community members falling victim to property crimes. And hopefully, this routine will become a daily habit for community members.

“This campaign is a small action that has the potential to bring impactful and lasting change to our community. We hope that community members take part in the 9 PM Routine and adopt these safety steps into their daily lives in order to better protect themselves, their property, and their families,” says CSPD Chief Vince Niski. “Additionally, we hope this campaign also brings awareness to the community and provides valuable education and community engagement,” Niski adds.

The CSPD also encourages community members to interact with these posts by using the hashtag #9PMRoutine or letting us know on our posts that you took part in this community safety effort.

Links to the CSPD social media pages can be found below:

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