Welcome to the Colorado Springs Police Department online crime reporting portal. If this is an emergency, please call 911. This portal allows you to submit a report for certain crimes that meet specific criteria immediately and print a copy of the case report for free. Not all crimes can be reported online. To use this system, the following criteria must apply:
- The crime must have occurred inside the city limits of Colorado Springs.
- The crime/incident is not currently happening (in-progress).
- You must be sixteen (16) years of age or older.
- The event was not a violent crime against you or another person (Assault, Robbery, Kidnapping, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, etc.).
- No one was injured.
- You are not reporting a lost or stolen firearm(s).
- Victim is not in an At-Risk category:
- Age 70 or higher
- Any intellectual, or developmental disability
Age 13 or younger
- Age 70 or higher
- You have no suspect or vehicle information.
- Suspect or vehicle information means you can name the person or provide a license plate for the vehicle.
- Video of the suspect or vehicle alone does not constitute suspect information.
- Suspect or vehicle information means you can name the person or provide a license plate for the vehicle.
If you answered no to any of the criteria, please call 719-444-7000 to report these crimes.
If you answered yes to all the criteria, you are ready to file your report online.
After you file your report, you will receive an automated email. Attached will be a copy of your report with a temporary case number assigned. This is not the official copy of the report. Once submitted your report will be reviewed. One of the following may occur:
- If the information provided is entered correctly your report will be approved within 72 hours and a permanent case number will be assigned.
- If anything is missing, you may be asked by email or phone to provide additional information before the report can be processed.
Your report may be forwarded to an investigator for additional follow-up before approval. - Your report may be rejected by email as ineligible for online reporting. In this circumstance, you will be requested to contact us at 719-444-7000 to request an officer respond.
It is important to note that reports requiring additional information or referred to an investigator may take longer than 72 hours to approve.
False Reporting to Authorities is a crime and is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment; for these reasons you may need a government issued ID for some reports. If you do not have the required ID, please call 719-444-7000.
An unknown person will not leave you alone or is threatening or annoying you. For example, you keep finding notes on your car at work threatening you if keep parking in the same spot. Or an unknown person keeps leaving threatening messages on your phone, email, or social media.
Identity Theft
Lost or Mislaid Property
If, however, you feel your property was stolen please submit a Theft report.
Someone has stolen your property including but not limited to:
- Personal property
- Commercial Property
- Credit or debit card (stolen but not used)
- Checks (stolen but not used)
- Bicycles
- Auto Parts
- License Plates
- Shoplift (unknown suspect left the scene)
- Trailers (no engine)
Click below to file a report for Identify Theft:
Click below to file a report for Unemployment Fraud:
Theft from lockers, vending machines, coin machines, etc. can also be reported online.
Click below to file a report for this type of theft.
Burglaries to homes, outbuildings, businesses, commercial storage facilities, etc. cannot be reported online. Please call 719-444-7000 to report.
An unknown person has trespassed on your property and is now gone. For example, you find items behind the shed in your backyard that leads you to believe someone was there. Or you notice the gate to your backyard has been opened. Or someone is seen on video surveillance walking on or through your personal or commercial property.
An unknown person has damaged your personal, public, or commercial property or vehicle. For example, someone threw a rock through your window, someone egged your house, your lawn décor was broken, etc.
Need to report graffiti? You can do so at neighborhood services, here.
Abandoned Vehicles
Abandoned Vehicles are now handled by Neighborhood Services and not by CSPD. If you would like to file a complaint with Neighborhood Services regarding an abandoned vehicle, you can do so here.
Please note, this complaint is not routed to or seen by anyone at CSPD; only Neighborhood services will receive and review this complaint.
Theft from lockers, vending machines, coin machines, etc. can be reported online see THEFT section above..
Burglaries to homes, outbuildings, businesses, commercial storage facilities, etc. cannot be reported online. Please call 719-444-7000 to report.
Unlawful Use of a Credit/Debit Card
Someone has made charges to or withdrawn money from your account(s) without your permission or knowledge and you are still in physical possession of the credit or debit card.
If your credit/debit card or checks were stolen and used, please call 719-444-7000 to file a report.
Scams or Fraud
You have been contacted by someone offering property, or services or asking for money as part of a scheme or plan with no intent to provide the property or services.
If you've suffered monetary loss,
If you have not suffered monetary loss,