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Colorado Springs Olympic City USA

Join us for an informational meetin on the S. Downtown Rail Underpasses Project.

Two years of collaboration with property owners, businesses, organizations and stakeholders has been underway to redesign and replace two aging railroad bridges at the south end of downtown Colorado Springs over S. Tejon Street and S. Nevada Avenue.

After receiving neighborhood input on nearly a dozen different alternatives, a preferred option is available for comment for construction replacement of the two bridges by shifting the rail alignment slightly to the south, eliminating the curve in the existing rail alignment and raising the bridges to achieve underpass minimum height standards.  The earliest construction could occur is 2025.

The S. Nevada Avenue and S. Tejon Street rail bridges would be reconstructed on the new alignment.

Reconstruction of the railroad would also include a new rail bridge over the Shooks Run waterway, enabling a critical connection of the Shooks Run trail to the Legacy Loop.

Additional at-grade crossing improvements are part of this option which would create neighborhood Quiet Zones from train whistles.

For the safety of our community during this COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be digital and will include a PowerPoint presentation and opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A function. You may participate by computer or by phone. 

Register for the Digital Meeting 

(Please note: the direct link to the meeting will be placed on this webpage and emailed to those who registered on the day of the meeting)

Call in for the meeting:

+1 720-617-3426   United States, Denver (Toll)

Conference ID: 231 682 946#