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Signs on Private Property

In 2012, the City of Colorado Springs completed a major rewrite of the incorporating sign technology and marketing practices for signs on private property. These revisions allowed for a more visually attractive signage while providing a safer environment for the community and included the addition of Coordinated Sign Plans for commercial centers and Electronic Message Center signs. The review and processing of applications and permits on private property are handled at the Development Review Enterprise. Any new sign requires the submittal of a sign application with the addition of a compliance document with the appropriate authorization if the sign is an Electronic Message Center sign.

Various types of sign applications, as well as detailed information for signs on private property, are included below. If you have further questions, need more information or clarification, or would like to schedule a pre-application meeting, contact Kurt Schmitt at (719) 385-5072 or at

Note: To open the applications and documents, you must have Adobe Reader X or newer to view and print these documents.

Site Plan Examples for ground signs:

Signs in Public Rights-of-Way

Please be advised that at no time may signs be placed within rights-of-way without first obtaining a revocable permit. Depending on the type and size of the sign as well as the location, a revocable permit may not be possible. For more information, contact the Development Review Enterprise Division at 719-385-5982 or

Addressing for Signs - Enumeration

Please note that the addressing for signs is under the authority of the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department. For more information, you can contact Enumeration at the Regional Building Department at (719) 327-2880 or at

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