Schedule for 2022 Early Bird Hike & Bikes, monthly weekday events, also released

The first Motorless Morning was held in April 2018 and Early Bird Hike & Bikes were introduced in 2020.
Motorless Morning, April 30
During Motorless Morning, park rules and regulations, including speed limits, apply; however, skateboards and longboards are welcome on park roads. There will also be designated slow zones and one-way traffic. Visitors can park their vehicles at the Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center (1805 30th Street), Garden of the Gods Trading Post (324 Beckers Lane, Manitou Springs) or in the overflow parking lot at Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site (corner of 30th Street and Gateway Road).
Due to the 30th Street Corridor Project, parking in the overflow lot will be limited. 30th Street will be closed in both directions between Gateway and Mesa roads. Access to Garden of the Gods Park and the Visitor & Nature Center will be open with access from the south on 30th Street. Visitors should follow all onsite detour signs and prepare for congestion when entering and exiting the park.
Designated parking for persons with disabilities is available at the Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center. From the visitor center, a shuttle into the main parking lot will be available upon request on Motorless Morning for those guests who need it. All park visitors will have access to accessible routes into and throughout the park, and the City will permit the use of other power-driven mobility devices (OPDMD), per its OPDMD policy.
Early Bird Hike & Bikes
Early Bird Hike & Bikes will take place from 5-8 a.m. on the following Wednesdays: May 25, June 29, July 27, Aug. 31 and Sept. 28. Park rules and regulations apply, and per normal park rules, skateboards and longboards are not permitted during these events. Construction on 30th Street may impact these dates. Adjustments to the schedule will be publicized.